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Spring ’23 Release 3

Executive Summary

We’re happy to announce the latest updates to Provar Automation with our Spring ’23 Release 3. This latest release is now available in the Provar Success Portal.

To experience the latest performance enhancements and features, please update Provar Automation.

Customer Support

Providing ongoing support is our promise to you. If you have any questions regarding changes in this release, please get in touch with us and we would be happy to help. Log on to the Provar Success Portal and click Raise a Case.


Chrome 111 compatibility

As part of our pre-release testing, we have confirmed that Chrome version 111 is compatible with the Provar Automation v2.9.2.

Why is this important?

Ensuring that ChromeDriver 110 is compatible with Provar Automation v2.9.2 eliminates the risk of incompatibility issues which could prevent test cases from working as expected.

How can I use this?

If you would like to upgrade to Chrome 111 we recommend that you upgrade to Provar Automation v2.9.2, which will use ChromeDriver 110 out of the box.

Provar Automation will automatically attempt to download the correct ChromeDriver if it detects a driver exception. If your organization’s security protocols block the automatic download, you can override the ChromeDriver manually. 

To downgrade or revert the ChromeDriver you can refer to this support article that explains how to use a ChromeDriver that is different from the one provided by default in your Provar Automation installation.

What are the browser and driver combinations that you recommend for Provar Automation v2.9.2?

Please refer to the Browser and Driver Recommendations support article for a comprehensive guide. 

Packaged ChromeDriver for Provar Automation v2.9.2 version 

Provar Automation v2.9.2 is packaged with ChromeDriver 110. 

Platform Updates

Eclipse Upgrade 4.25

Increased stability and security owing to the core Eclipse platform upgrades.

Java 11 Upgrade

Provar Automation has been upgraded to run with Java 11. This is a necessary stepping stone for a future upgrade to Java 17, the latest long term stable version. As part of this update, the support for Java 8 will stop and an update to Java 11 will be required for all Provar Automation upgrades from v2.9.2 onwards. 

What is the Impact ?

  • Existing configured CI/CD execution might fail due to Java version mismatch.
  • Custom APIs and page operations using internal libraries will work fine. However, if you are using external libraries, there might be some compatibility issues. You can use tools such as Jdeps and Jdeprscan to check your class files. Jdeps can be used to analyse the dependencies of our classes, whereas Jdeprscan tool will show you all uses of deprecated API by a given jar archive, and only deprecated uses of jdk methods can be shown.

What needs to be updated?

  • Upgrade your Java Runtime or Java Development Kit (Amazon Corretto 11 is preferred) to the latest stable version of Java 11 on your system in case you are performing ANT execution on your own machine
  • Java 11 on any server machines in the case of remote execution
  • Setup your CI/CD pipeline to use a Java 11 distribution during the execution of the Automation CLI using ANT or ProvarDX.

New Features 

Dynamic Activity Composer

In Spring ’23 Salesforce released a new UI for creating activity records using quick actions and enabled the new UI by default. Now instead of tabs, users need to select a button under the activities and it will open a modal popup docked at the bottom right of your screen to complete the activity, such  as sending an email!

Provar now supports this Dynamic Activity Composer, it means users should be able to create Provar scripts for these New buttons and modal docked activities at the bottom right of the screen as a standard mapping. If you have disabled the new composer view, the legacy activity quick actions as tabs are also supported. 


Email support via Microsoft Graph API using OAuth 2.0

Access Microsoft 365 Emails using Microsoft Graph API by creating a new connection with a Shared Secret using the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grant flow to Send, Subscribe and Receive Message Test APIs with Microsoft 365 for emails.

  • The app is authenticated in the connection dialog for the Microsoft Graph Client Credential connection type
  • Using the Client Credential connection, create Email-As connection to define which email address will be used to send/receive emails.
  • When executing a Test Step, use the access token obtained to call the Microsoft Graph API Client Credential and Email address from the Email-As connection

Step 1: Create Microsoft Graph Client Credential connection

Step 2: Create Microsoft Graph Email-As connection by selecting client credential connection created at Step 1

Provar Manager – Download Test Cases

Automation users can launch a new popup window that shows all test cases waiting to be automated from Provar Manager, and filtered to exclude anything that does not currently have a status of ‘Design’ in Provar Manager.

Users can launch a UI that shows which objects/records in Provar Manager that are linked to entities in Provar Automation and which are not.

Automate test in Provar Automation by selecting from all the available test cases in Provar Manager and download the design steps to Provar Automation. You can, and should, sync your completed automation script back into Manager which will complete the design test cases as being active and ready to execute.

Feature Improvements

Support custom aura components in flexi with custom templates

Lightning pages can be of standard and custom templates. Custom Aura components in both standard and custom templates are supported by Provar Automation. 

Support rich text components in flexi with custom templates

Lightning pages can be of standard and custom templates. Rich text components in both standard and custom templates are supported by Provar Automation. 

SOQL support for custom metadata types 

When testing with namespace overrides for increasing the reuse of your test cases, Provar Automation now supports automatic namespace substitutions for SOQL query test steps for Custom Metadata Types as well as Standard and Custom Objects..

University of Provar 

New Course: Cross-Browser Testing 

University of Provar (UP) has launched a new course Cross-Browser Testing. You’ll learn more about this testing type as well as information on Automation’s integration with LambdaTest.. Visit UP to learn more!

New Trailhead Module: Salesforce App Testing with Provar

Uncover tips and best practices to help you achieve testing success on Salesforce in Provar’s latest module on Trailhead – Salesforce App Testing with Provar. Explore Provar’s software testing trail here.

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