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Mobile Testing with Appium

This page provides step-by-step instructions for installing mobile testing with Appium to enable iOS mobile device testing through Provar.

Requirements Mobile Testing with Appium

You will need the following:

  • An iPad or iPhone (referred to as iPad below) with iOS 10 or later
  • A MacBook or iMac (referred to as MacBook below) with:
    • At least 4GB of memory
    • macOS High Sierra or later installed*
  • Xcode 9 or later installed on the MacBook*
  • Patched version of Appium Desktop 1.6.2 or later installed on the MacBook
  • Developer signed build of the application’s .ipa file for Native or Hybrid app testing**

*Earlier versions may work but have not been tested. ** Provar can assist in providing appropriately signed .ipa files on request.

Installing XCode

Open the App Store application on the MacBook (not iPad). Search for and install (or update) XCode version 9 or later.

Installing Appium Desktop

  • On the MacBook, download Appium Desktop from here. This is the standard Appium Desktop 1.6.2 distribution with a patch for a known bug.
  • Unzip the file and move it into your Applications folder.
  • Open the Appium application and then close it.
  • Open a terminal window and execute the following commands (it will ask for your password):
sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/
cd /Applications/

sudo ./Scripts/

Getting iPad device ID and installing an application

Plug the iPad into the MacBook via a USB lead.

Then launch XCode on the MacBook and open the Devices and Simulators window (main menu > Window > Devices and Simulators)

Locate the iPad under the Devices tab and make a note of its “identifier” by right-clicking it, choosing Copy, and then pasting somewhere:

how to launch XCode on the MacBook and open the Devices and Simulators window

In the same window, click the + button beneath INSTALLED APPS and choose the .ipa file for the application from the file dialog (scroll down for larger screenshots):

guide on how to choose the .ipa file for the application from the file dialog

guide on how to add device on the MacBook Devices and Simulators window

screenshot on selecting .ipa on the MacBook Devices and Simulators window

Wait while the application is installed on the device and appears in the INSTALLED APPS list:

application identifier is installed on the device and appears in the INSTALLED APPS list

Then take note of the newly installed application’s Identifier.

Setting Up Web Driver Agent Signing

Appium automatically builds and installs the WebDriverAgent app on your iPad. This must be signed with your Apple developer account (or the one supplied by Provar Support) before you can create or run tests for each device.

First, Navigate to the following folder on your MacBook (using Finder):

/Applications/ ppium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent

/Applications/ ppium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent

Note: You can press CMD+Shift+G inside Finder to open the “Go to the folder” dialog and paste the above value.

Then double-click on the “WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj” file. This will open in XCode.

sample of WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj file in XCode

In XCode, select the iPad in the dropdown towards the left of the toolbar:

In XCode, select the iPad in the dropdown towards the left of the toolbar

Choose WebDriverAgent in the Project Navigator on the left and then choose WebDriverAgentLib under the TARGETS:

how to choose WebDriverAgent in the Project Navigator for WebDriverAgentLib

Check the “Automatically manage signing” checkbox, accept the dialog, and then click on “Add Account…”:

WebDriverAgentLib login window

Sign in with your Apple developer account or the credentials supplied to you by Provar Support:

Apple developer account login interface

Close the resulting Account details page:

Account details page

Choose the newly added account in the Team dropdown:

Choose the newly added account in the Team dropdown

Choose the remaining entries under the TARGETS list (WebDriverAgentRunner, UnitTests, etc.) and choose the same account in the Team dropdown for each one:

Choose the remaining entries under the TARGETS list (WebDriverAgentRunner, UnitTests, etc.) and choose the same account in the Team dropdown for each one:

You can leave XCode running and proceed to the next steps.

Installing Appium Prerequisites

On the MacBook, open a Terminal window and run the following commands.

To install brew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”

For XCode selection:

sudo xcode-select –reset

sudo xcode-select –switch /Applications/

To install libimobiledevice:

brew install –HEAD libimobiledevice

To install node/npm:

Download and install node.js from here:

To install ios-deploy:

sudo npm install -g ios-deploy –unsafe-perm=true

To install Carthage:

brew install carthage

To install ios-webkit-debug-proxy:

brew unlink ios-webkit-debug-proxy

brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

brew link ios-webkit-debug-proxy

Enabling the Web Inspector on the iPad

On the iPad, launch the Settings app and choose Safari on the left. Scroll to the bottom on the right and choose Advanced. Then enable the Web Inspector setting:

Enabling the Web Inspector on the iPad

Testing for 1 iPad

Start Appium from LaunchPad.

ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing

Suppose you have completed these steps as a part of the setup for ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing. In that case, you can proceed to the ServiceMax-specific setup steps described on the ServiceMax FSA Mobile Testing page.


This section lists known installation issues with Appium and provides steps to fix them.

Failed to Install FSA App on iPad

Symptom: Get installation failure and install the ServiceMax .ipa file via the Devices and Simulators window in XCode.

Cause 1: Device not Provisioned

Apple requires that your iPad’s device ID is added to the .ipa file’s provisioning profile. Please contact Provar support to confirm that your device is listed.

Cause 2: The application is already installed

If you already have ServiceMax installed on your iPad, uninstall it and try again.

Install of iOS-Deploy fails


/bin/sh -c /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ios-deploy/build/ cp: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/XPCServices: No such file or directory ** BUILD FAILED **


See the detailed steps posted by raydrogers here:

Could not Connect to lockdownd. Exiting.: Permission Denied


The above message appears in the Appium log files


Run the following commands from a terminal window:

chmod +x /var/db/lockdown
brew update
brew upgrade ios-webkit-debug-proxy


Running Salesforce Mobile Tests

Once the Appium server setup is complete, you can run Provar mobile tests in Run or Debug mode.

Before starting execution, make sure the Appium Server is up and running:

Running Salesforce mobile tests in Appium

Make sure the Appium Server details are configured in Provar under the Browser Providers section:

Appium Server details in Provar Desktop Builder

Creating new branch in Appium Server using Provar Desktop Builder

Before clicking ‘Run’ or ‘Debug,’ this Web Browser should be selected in the Web Browser dropdown in the top-right corner of Provar Desktop:

Running or Debugging Appium Server using Provar Desktop Builder

It should display as follows:

sample of running test in Appium Server using Provar

Below is an example test running:

example test running in mobile testing with Appium

And in Test Runner:

example test running in test running for mobile testing in Appium

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